Hollywood Be Thy Name?

Hollywood Be Thy Name?
Hollywood Be Thy Name?

Monday, May 19, 2008

First Year of Ministry

I spent last Saturday with my son at Andrew's Air force Base watching the Joint Service Military Air Show. Thanks to a parishioner, Harry and I had seats in a VIP section which allowed us a seat, a chance to get into the shade, ear plugs, and a more accessible restroom facility.

It was in this place that we sat and watched the show - plane after plane - older bi-planes, mustangs, newer Raptors, and the Blue Angels performing under perfect conditions with a blue sky adorned by just the right amount of puffy white clouds. Somewhere in the middle of this...watching a plane soaring into the sky I remembered that it was one year ago that very day that I had my commencement from the Virginia Theological Seminary and that I was a few days away (today) from the anniversary of my first ordination (that to the Diaconate...I was priested in December 2007).

Somehow what I was watching was an apropos metaphor for my first year in ministry. Though I bring lots of life and job experience to the ministry (work as an actor, in tv production, and a church staff member) my first year was one of being present; becoming used to surroundings, the needs of the people and how God was calling me to interact with that. Though I am by no means perfectly ready for all that will come my way, something figuratively "clicked" recently and I feel more engaged with my ministry, and especially with the people and challenges with whom I travel. Though not a seasoned "pilot" yet, I feel that I am daring and knowledgeable enough as this point to navigate the peaks and valleys enabling me to live out God's call to me.

It has been a good year. It was a great weekend. Today is a wonderful anniversary. Thanks be to God!

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