Hollywood Be Thy Name?

Hollywood Be Thy Name?
Hollywood Be Thy Name?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Occupy...a Thought

Three weeks ago I met in a casual gathering with some fellow clergy persons (male and female) and the question came up about the "Occupy" movement and how we are talking about that with our congregations. We were seemingly almost to a person happily surprised that none of us had broached the subject, because none of us could name what it exactly is about. Except of course for one member who claimed that we should all should be self flagellating over the horrible treatment by police to protesters in Oakland...but I digress.

I took heart that except for my one colleague most of us were allowing ourselves to be in that uncomfortable liminal area, where we live into and leave ourselves open to what is going on; remaining uncomfortable but not feeling the need to "solve" something and instead remain non-anxious as we await to see what this is (big thank you to my clergy mentor who gave me Heifetz's book on Leadership). We did agree that even though no one can seem to name what the movement about except by the broad bumper sticker describing the 99% v. the 1%, that there was - to paraphrase Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - "something happenin' out there," and that this would eventually coalesce into something.

Imagine my further surprise when yesterday another clergy colleague had on his Facebook Page a portion of an interview by Keith (I'm the liberal version of Rush Limbaugh) Olbermann with...David Crosby and Graham Nash who, having visited and sung at some of the Occupy parks shared their thought...that they could not name what this movement is but it would eventually coalesce into something we would understand. Unfortunately seeming just as important to them was the fact that the park people knew all the words top the CSN songs...I guess that makes me a part of THAT 99% as well!

Yet in the interview with the duo I heard AND misheard two important points. In fact my mis-hearing was actually a lightbulb moment for me. First, what they actually said was, that this movement was happening and growing because "they" (meaning the 1%) had no one figure or group that they could silence - either by arrest, or assassination (referring specifically to "character," I hope), etc. Now, and second, what I misheard, was actually something profound...that the 99 are protesting because THEY have lost THEIR figure or group to blame. Rove, "W," and Cheney are gone yet problems that were apparent due to their policies still exist, and are being carried forward by the current administration...and they (the 99) for some reason do not go after Obama.

Funny. Obama and the Dems who spread the wonderful story that their campaign was possible by the record donations of people like me who sent $5-$20 (note for the record, I always financially support both candidates so I sent $$ to McCain as well...but I digress), but they neglect to admit that their largest donor base was a certain group...from where...nope not Main St.....but this place called WALL St. So the 1% overwhelming supported this candidate over the other and gave more money than each of us. But, though us moderates can complain, the far left do not dare. Darn it, they have lost their pin the blame on the "W" prez, so they have no one else...so they take to the streets in much disarray and confusion and just complain. About what, I am not sure?

That the wealthy have too many tax breaks. I agree. That they do not pay for a college education for the non-wealthy? I disagree. I mean if it was just about that, why were not the Oakland occupiers at Obama's recent fundraising dinner where the cost of each plate would have sent a number of them to a four year university? I digress again.

So we will see where this will coalesce. Like many I hope this brings some sharing of the financial wealth for all. If you run the biz, make your money, buy a house, have a yacht, and send your kids to college, but don't save up to buy a country...let your workers make a decent wage. For the 99% we need to also be mindful of what got us into this mess. This appears to be the first generation of folks who were pushed by parents to do every athletic sport, get straight A's and be in every club. The generation of kids who all got "first prize" because they showed up for each game. The one's who were promised, and had modeled by their parents, that everything will be given to you in life...because YOU are special.

Yes, we all are special. We all have gifts from God; from the lowest on the financial ladder to the highest, but we are called to share the abundance, not hoard it. A hard message to give in a country where the Atheists seem to be winning. Hopefully this movement WILL mean something to all, if not, to paraphrase CSN, we all may find ourselves "Wasted on the Way."