Hollywood Be Thy Name?

Hollywood Be Thy Name?
Hollywood Be Thy Name?

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Just Writing to Write!

   I have not been writing more than I have to at the moment.  In my priestly vocation I am coming upon a tremendously busy time, and I still have two sermons to compose for next week.  Add into that a brief out of town trip with Marie, and the fact that I slept for 13 hours last night are all of my excuses for not writing.  Frankly I do not have much to say, but writing books which I have read remind me that a writer "writes," so to get to doing it. That brings me here.

    My mother's package arrived with many items in to help prime the pump for the book I am writing about her and my father, and maybe me and my vocation and I have yet to open it; knowing that I will have questions aplenty to begin writing down, so I am waiting until the quiet time post Easter.  In the meantime I will try to keep writing here and there to keep my fingers nimble.  Until I open the package and determine what is inside, and what questions I have, that will probably help form where my next steps go, especially the structure of the book.

    Recently I saw a post from the fine mystery author Lawrence Block on Facebook inviting people to apply to him for an audible.com copy of his book on writing in trade for reviewing it.  I am listening to it during this "down time" in my composing, and though this work of his is about fiction it still serves to inspire me as that is where I would like to go as well.  So, we shall see.

    If you are reading this, just know that you helped me, because I like to write for "you," whoever you may be.  Though I might not have much to say, this is a good way to practice keeping me at this craft that I love.

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